
Lab organizes a work expereince sharing event

On May 4, 2024, the laboratory organized a work experience sharing event. Seven students were invited to share their internship and job seeking experiences.

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Twelve papers are accepted by ICA 2024

Twelve papers have been accepted by ICA 2024. The 74th Annual ICA Conference will take place in Gold Coast, Australia: Fan, H., Yan, L., & Wang, C. J. (2024). Moral Foundations of Hate Speech: Evidence from the Tweets of Russo-Ukrainian War.

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Professor Tan Tieniu visits our lab

Professor Tan Tieniu visits our lab in Feb 10th 2023. Learn more about Professor TAN Professor TAN Tieniu is Secretary of the CPC Nanjing University Committee. Prior to this position, he served as Deputy Director (Vice Minister) of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the PRC, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Deputy Secretary-General of CAS, Director-General of the CAS Institute of Automation (CASIA) and Director of the National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition of CASIA.

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Six papers are accepted by ICA 2023

During 25 May-29 May 2023, the hybrid 73rd Annual ICA Conference will take place both in Toronto, Ontario (Canada) and online, with synchronous sessions that incorporate both audience. We have six papers being acceptecd, among wich five papers are led by students.

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Welcome Zhicong to Join the Lab

Zhicong Chen, who was once a master graduate of the lab (Class 2018), will formally joined the lab in the coming sememster (Spring 2023) as an Assistant Research Fellow at the School of Journalism and Communication, Nanjing University.

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We organize the 2022 Learning Together Activity

We organize the 2022 Learning Together Activity. Four members of our lab are participating the “big data and causal inference seminar” which is organized by the Tsinghua interdisciplinary research capability enhancement plan More information about the schedule https://mp.

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Lab Students Won Highly-Competitive Awards

Zhang Yaotian won the National Scholarship for Graduate Students (2 among 134). Jiang Xinya won the Huang Jianliang Scholarship from Nanjing University (2 among 88). Fei Yunjie won the Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Award at Nanjing University.

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Welcome New Research Students

New research students have recently joined the lab, with two Ph.D. students, two master students. Ph.D. students: Yan Xuefei: Yan Lihan: Master students: Sun Yixiao: Fei Yunjie:

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王成军(2022)《跨越网络的门槛:社交媒体上的信息扩散》. 北京:科学

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寻找真、假新闻中的“丑小鸭”:使用窥视策略预测新闻扩散规模和真实性 信息

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柏拉图说 PlatoTalks 第一期组会活动

会议主题:柏拉图说 PlatoTalks 第一期组会活动 会议时间:2022/04/24 19:00-21:00 (GMT+08:00) 中

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学术专访 | 计算传播学实验中心:“汇聚在地化知识,凝结群体智慧”

南大新传研会 “我会把实验中心描绘成为一个计算中心(The Center of Calcu

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导语 中华传播研究如何国际化?这是几代华人传播学者一直在探讨和求索的问题

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It is our great pleasure to open the Gutenberg Fiction Dataset. You can get the dataset by participating the 2021 Chinese Contest of Digital Humanities. Learn more about this dataset from its Github repository. 识

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王成军、尚可可参加了第四届计算传播学年会(the Annual Conference of CCR, July 17-18, 2021, Xi’a

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为期六天的计算社会科学暑期论文工作坊顺利举办。 2019年7月1日(周一

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