
| March 17, 2017

2017年3月10日,王成军博士主持了费彝民楼A座418的博士之家,本期的主讲人是南京大学社会学院的吴俞晓教授。本期的沙龙主题:《Women in the Labor Market: Cohort Effects, Period Effects, and Life-Course Effects upon Women’s Employment in the United States, 1975-2002》


Using data from the Current Population Survey (CPS), General Social Survey (GSS), and government statistics, this dissertation investigates the factors that led to the historical transformation of women’s employment in the United States during 1975-2002.Employing Tobit models within the Age-Period-Cohort analytical framework, I demonstrate that there are strong life-course effects, period effects, and cohort effects upon American women’s employment during the period examined. I find that, for single childless women, there are only cohort effects but almost no period effects upon their employment. Such cohort effects can be explained by their educational attainment and relative cohort size. Unlike the patterns of single childless women, the historical transformation of single mothers’ employment is due to the period effects which can be accounted for mainly by their educational attainment and the fluctuation of the unemployment rates over time. For married women, there are both strong period effects and cohort effects and a large share of these effects can be explained by educational attainment, hourly wage, unemployment rates, relative cohort size, and husband’s annual incomes. Besides these factors, two other factors that contribute to the changes of married women’s employment are relative female labor demand (which explains the period effects) and shifts in attitudes towards women’s roles (which explains the cohort effects). Using the most updated data, my findings shed light on the representative theories in sociology and economics that explain women’s increasing employment. Therefore, my dissertation contributes to the field by advancing our understandings of the historical changes of American women’s employment for the last 30 years. I suggest that future study should devote more efforts to the studies on married women’s employment since it is a more complicated process with more profound implications for changes of the American society.


吴愈晓,男,1974年生,现为南京大学社会学院教授。教育背景:2006年,博士,美国西北大学社会学系;1999年,硕士,北京大学社会学系;1996年,学士,中国人民大学社会学系。 工作经历:2014–,南京大学社会学院,副院长;2013–,南京大学社会学院社会学系,教授;2011-2013年,山东大学哲学与社会发展学院社会学系,教授;2008-2010年,山东大学哲学与社会发展学院社会学系,副教授;2006-2008年,香港科技大学社会科学部,博士后研究员;1999-2001年,上海社会科学院社会学研究所,研究实习员。