题目:社会阶层与数字媒体中的注意力流动 时间:2018年3月25日14:
Two Papers Accepted by the ic2s2 Conference
Two papers coauthored by the lab members have been accepted by the 4th Annual International Conference on Computational Social Science (ic2s2), July 12–15, 2018. Evanston, Illinois, United States.
One Paper Accepted by the 68th Annual ICA Conference
The paper titled “Leveraging the Flow of Collective Attention for Computational Communication Research” co-authored by Cheng-Jun Wang, Zhi-Cong Chen, and Naipeng Chao has been selected for the 68th Annual ICA conference, to be held in Prague, Czech Republic, 24-28 May 2018.
Zhi-Cong and Cheng-Jun participated in the netscix2018 conference
Cheng-Jun gave a talk about the patterns of collective attention in the session of “AI and urban life”, and Zhi-Cong presented a poster on mobile reading.
由重庆大学青年教师科学技术协会主办的2017计算传播学跨学科高峰论坛2017 年 12 月 23 日在重庆大学虎溪校区图书馆报告厅召开。
王成军参加了在西北工业大学举办的2017年网络与数据科学前沿论坛,并做了题为Leveraging the Flow of Collective Attention for Computational Communication Research的会议发言。