
Journal Articles


  • Zhou, Y., Zhu, J. J. H. (2022). The Impact of Digital Media on Daily Rhythms: Intrapersonal Diversification and Interpersonal Differentiation. International Journal of Communication.
  • Hou, L., Guan, L; Zhou, Y., Shen, A., Wang, W., Luo, A., Lu, H., Zhu, J, J, H. (2022). Staying, Switching, and Multiplatforming of User-Generated Content Activities: A 12-Year Panel Study. Internet Research
  • Zhang Y., Feng M., Shang K.K., Ran Y., Wang C.J. (2022) Peeking strategy for Online News Diffusion Prediction via Machine Learning. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications.598:127357. doi: 10.1016/j.physa.2022.127357.
  • Zhicong Chen, Eric Jardine, Xiao-Fan Liu, Jonathan J. H. Zhu. (2022) Seeking Anonymity on the Internet: The Knowledge Accumulation Process and Global Usage of the Tor Network. New Media & Society.
  • Zhou, Y., Zhu, J. J. H. (2022). How online health groups help you lose weight: The role of group composition and social contact. Digital Health.
  • Wang C.J. * , Zhu, J.J.H.(2021) Jumping over the Network Threshold of Information Diffusion: Testing the Threshold Hypothesis of Social Influence. Internet Research. 31(5):1677-1694 doi:10.1108/INTR-08-2019-0313
  • Yan X.F., Wang C.J.* (2021) With Greater Popularity Comes Less Responsibility: The Popularity Fallacy of Big Vs’ Public Participation on Sina Weibo. Chinese Journal of Communication. 14(4):430-450. doi:10.1080/17544750.2021.1915833
  • Wen N, Chao N *, Wang C.J. (2021) Predicting the Intention of Sustainable Commuting among Chinese Commuters: The Role of Media and Morality, Environmental Communication. 15(3):401-417 doi: 10.1080/17524032.2020.1855222
  • Meng F., Sun H., Xie J., Wang C.J., Wu, J., Hu Y.* (2021) Preference for Number of Friends in Online Social Networks. Future Internet. 13(9): 236. doi:10.3390/fi13090236.
  • Xu H, Zhang Z, Wu L*, Wang C.J.* (2019) The Cinderella Complex: Word embeddings reveal gender stereotypes in movies and books. PLoS ONE. 14(11): e0225385. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0225385
  • Wang, C.J.* , Zhu, J.J.H.(2019) Jumping onto the Bandwagon of Collective Gatekeepers: Testing the Bandwagon Effect of Information Diffusion on Social News Website, Telematics and Informatics. 41:34-45, doi:10.1016/j.tele.2019.03.001
  • Ji, J. , Barnett, G. A., & Chu, J. (2019). Global networks of genetically modified crops technology: a patent citation network analysis. Scientometrics, 118(3), 737–762.[SSCI]
  • Ji, J. , Chao, N., & Ding, J. (2019). Rumormongering of Genetically Modified (GM) Food on Chinese Social Network. Telematics and Informatics, 37, 1–12. [SSCI]
  • MA Z, XIA Y, LIN Z. Curvilinear Relationship Between Disaster Exposure and Psychological Growth:10 Years After the Wenchuan Earthquake[J]. Psychiatry Research, 2019, 274(132): 280–286.
  • HE L, LAI K, LIN Z, MA Z. Media Exposure and General Trust as Predictors of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: Ten Years after the 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake in China[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2018, 15(11): 2386.
  • Ke-ke Shang*, Michael Small, Xiao-Ke Xu, and Wei-sheng Yan*. “The role of direct links for link prediction in evolving networks.” EPL (Europhysics Letters), 117 (2017) 28002.
  • Ke-ke Shang*, Michael Small, and Wei-sheng Yan. “Fitness networks for real world systems via modified preferential attachment.” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 474 (2017): 49-60.
  • Ke-ke Shang*, Michael Small and Wei-sheng Yan. “Link direction for link prediction.” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 469 (2017) 767–776.
  • Wang, C.J., Wu, L*, Zhang, J., Janssen, M. (2016) The Collective Direction of Attention Diffusion. Scientific Reports. 6: 34059. doi:10.1038/srep34059
  • Naipeng Chao, Guangfeng Yuan, Yonggang Li, Qian Yao. (2016) The internet ecological perception, political trust and political efficacy of Chinese netizens. Telematics and Informatics. doi:10.1016/j.tele.2016.05.014
  • Wu, L., Wang, C.J. *(2016) Tracing the Attention of Moving Citizens. Scientific Reports. 6, 33103. doi: 10.1038/srep33103
  • Chandra, Y., Jiang, C.L., Wang, C.J. (2016) Mining Social Entrepreneurship Strategies Using Topic Modeling, 11(3):e0151342, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0151342
  • Jiang, C.L, Yang, M, Wang, C.J. (2016) Self-Disclosure to Parents in Emerging Adulthood: Examining the Roles of Perceived Parental Responsiveness and Separation-Individuation.Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. Feb 5, 2016. doi: 10.1177/0265407516640603
  • Wang, C.J., Wu, L* (2016) The Scaling of Attention Networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications.448:196–204,


  • 王成军,党明辉,杜骏飞 (2019) 找回失落的参考群体:对沉默的螺旋理论的边界条件的考察. 新闻大学. 156:13-29.
  • 馬志浩,吳玫. 社會資本、互聯網使用與自評健康:基於中國家庭追蹤調查的實證研究[J].傳播與社會學刊,2018,46: 53–88.
  • 马志浩,林仲轩.粉丝社群的集体行动逻辑及其阶层形成——以SNH48 Group粉丝应援会为例[J].中国青年研究,2018(06):13-19+45.
  • 马志浩,葛进平.网络直播平台的使用会影响人们的心理健康吗?——网络直播的使用强度、动机与主观幸福感[J].新媒体与社会,2018(01):128-141.
  • 马志浩,葛进平.青年群体网络直播平台接入鸿沟的影响因素——基于技术采纳与持续使用的视角[J].新闻与传播评论,2018,71(02):112-128.
  • 马志浩,吴玫.通话中的农村与手机网络通讯的城市:移动传播与社会资本的基层图景[J].新闻大学,2018(01):100-110+152-153.
  • 王成军 (2017).计算社会科学视野下的新闻学研究:挑战与机遇. 新闻大学, 4:26-32
  • 杜骏飞, 曲飞帆, 王成军(2016)2015年中国新闻传播学论著评析. 新闻与传播研究,12:108-119
  • 王成军 (2016) 计算传播学的起源、概念与应用. 编辑学刊, 3:59-64.
  • 王成军 (2016) 大数据计算与《纸牌屋》生成. 传媒评论, 5:63-66
  • 王成军(2015)计算传播学:作为计算社会科学的传播学.中国网络传播研究,8: 193-208
  • 王成军(2015)“今日头条”的技术逻辑:网络爬虫+矩阵筛选.传媒评论,10: 34-37

Conference Paper

  • Zhicong Chen, Lingfei Wu, Naipeng Chao, Cheng-Jun Wang * (2018) The Poor Read for Entertainment and the Rich Read for Education: Poverty, Fragmentation, and Knowledge Homogeneity. Poster to be presented at The 4th Annual International Conference on Computational Social Science (ic2s2), July 12–15, 2018. Evanston, Illinois, United States.
  • Huimin Xu, Zhicong Chen, Cheng-Jun Wang * (2018) Social Classes Shapes Our Trajectories in Both Online and Offline Space. Paper To be presented at The 4th Annual International Conference on Computational Social Science (ic2s2), July 12–15, 2018. Evanston, Illinois, United States.
  • Wang, C.J. (2015). Information diffusion on Microblogs: Testing the threshold hypothesis of interpersonal effects. Conference on Complex System (CCS’15), Tempe, Arizona, USA. Sep 28-Oct 2
  • Wang, C.J., Chen, H.X., Zhang, X.(2015) The Landscape of Information Diffusion on Sina Weibo: Investigating the Rich-Club Effect. Paper to be presented to the 65th Annual Conference of International Communication Association (ICA), San Juan, Puerto Rico, 21-25 May 2015.
  • Lingfei Wu, Jiang Zhang, Marco Janssen, Cheng-Jun Wang, Min Zhao (2014). Attention Balls. The 6th International Conference on Social Informatics. Barcelona, 10-13 November 2014.


  • 王成军(2022)《跨越网络的门槛:社交媒体上的信息扩散》. 北京:科学出版社.
  • 张伦、王成军、许小可(2018)《计算传播学导论》. 北京:北京师范大学出版社.
  • 许小可、胡海波、张伦、王成军 (2015)社交网络上的计算传播学. 北京:中国科学出版社.